October 2007

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« Answers to difficult questions | Main | Psalm 130 »

October 24, 2006



Hi, I'm new here. I've moved in to the area recently. I was a comitted Christian throughout university before moving to Amsterdam on a career of turning away from God.

I came back to the UK and now I wish to turn back to God. I used google to find a church in the local area that I thought would suit my style of worship.

The churches that didn't sell themselves on the websites completely removed any interest I had in them. I was also skeptical about those which didn't put any emphasis on their beliefs (I've been to some very odd churches in the past).

Last week I sat through a service at a friend's college which nearly sent me to sleep. I rarely heard doctrine and there was absolutely no energy in anyone! The thought of calling up churches and asking "Do you have good worship and a comitment to the bible?" terrifies me, and going to a different church each week would become very tiresome.

Therefore, I think a website 'selling' a church is an excellent idea. I know friends of mine who are techies like myself who sometimes find themselves lonely or wanting God (perhaps for the first time) and use google for more info. They're shy, so if they can read what a service will be like, see it even and understand the answers to the questions that trouble their hearts a lot has been achieved. Even if they don't make that dive today and go to their local church, the answers are in their heads and the thought will grow from within them.

Just my 2c.

By the way, I enjoyed reading this site, listening to Sunday's sermon and getting a feel for this church. Suffice to say, saving some disaster, I'll be there on Sunday!


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