Following on from Wednesday's post about end times beliefs (particularly in North America) - and make sure you read Jamie's useful comment on the post too - some further thoughts applied to me/us...
Jamie's spot on to caution against reacting too quickly and too negatively against those who espouse such beliefs - although I think the key here is seeing the profound (and potentially world-altering) effects they may be having on US foreign policy, rather than just the individual beliefs of a group of Christians - and one of the reasons we have to be careful is that out own (often un-recognised) beliefs affect us too.
Do you really believe it's possible that Jesus could return this afternoon?
Funny to put it so bluntly and 'normally', but that's the clear message of Jesus' parables and teaching about his return (not to mention the New Testament's letters).
If we lived like that (which is, again, partly the point of Jamie's comment), as those who are 'ready', what sort of effect would that have on our use of time, on our attitude to money or to those God's given us responsibility for?
Do I really believe that God's intention is to redeem, rescue and recreate the whole of creation, not just "my soul"?
If I lived like that, would that change me attitude to ecology, the environment and my use of the resources God's made me steward of for him?
Do I really believe that God is going to judge all peoples one day and that he holds the whole of time and eternity in his hands?
If I lived like that, would it change how scared I might feel at a world seemingly out of control, or the bitterness I might feel at someone who has done wrong but 'got away with it'?
Our beliefs - however unacknowledged - profoundly change our day-by-day, minute-by-minute life choices.
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